Repairs & Upgrades

All available options may not be listed.
Please contact us to see how we can help you.


We'll help set up your devices to communicate across a network to exchange data with each other using connections (data links) between nodes.

On-Site Service

Best scheduled beforehand by calling us directly, Matt will make an on-site visit to perform services as discussed prior to his arrival.

Small Business Support

We offer extensive support and repairs for small businesses. We ask that you call for a consultation and appointment.

Laptop & Desktop Repairs

We service both Windows-based machines and Macintosh-based (Apple) machines, as well as select printers.

Software Upgrades

We offer genuine, licensed software upgrades for all supported devices. Some examples of software we handle regularly are Windows 10, Microsoft Office, and Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Virus Clean Up

We offer virus cleaning and protection. We guarantee our clean ups for 30 days.

Hardware Upgrades

Upon request, we will provide hardware upgrades and data transfers. We will perform research on the upgrade you are interested in, based on your needs/desires, and contact you with a quote once we find the best solution for you.

Mobile Devices

We repair broken iPhone screens, charging ports, and earpieces. Some iPhone repairs are limited to specific models so please contact us beforehand to confirm we can perform the repair you need on your device. At this time, we do not service any other mobile devices such as iPods, iPads, Apple Watches, Android devices, etc.

Electronic Recycling

We will recycle your old electronics including CPU towers, laptops, tablets, and phones. We do not take items including printers and monitors should be taken to the local landfill. If you are not certain about what we may or may not accept, please call us before bringing the items to us.